Hard Floor Protection, Impact Protection, Hollow Flute Board Protection
Our quality made protection grade Corriboard flute sheets are made to protect hard floors from high impacts and damage, providing excellent impact protection these fluted sheets feather a higher grade of plastic for durability and longevity! Made for Construction, demolition, renovations and waterproofing work. A tough and durable 350gsm (grams per square metre) of plastic is extruded forming double walled hollow plastic board with higher virgin materials than it's competition making it superior.
Corriboard Sheets range from protection grade 350gsm sheets to Signage grade 5mm thick Corri-Flute branded sheets, UV stable, Corona Treated, Printable We also have a high grade 2000gsm 8mm strong Corriboard sheet All our sheets are 100% Recyclable
This is an imported product not produced by Corex and is not banded "corflute" - Make sure it's Corriboard - Leading the way from the last decade.